New T-Shirt Printer & Collaborator: Design Shop React

New T-Shirt Printer & Collaborator: Design Shop React

Hello Folks!

Here at Lucky Labo, I am constantly reviewing, refining, distilling, and sharpening our sword. There is something I am proud to announce, but first, some back story.

Lucky Labo began in Early January, and one of our first product offerings was the "Lucky Labo OG T-Shirt". The shirt features what I refer to as the "OG Logo" of a cute cat behind a CR Kai Wheel. It's a fun design, and something that I personally wear everyday.



The problem starts with our T-Shirt Supplier, and really with my choice to use a "Print On Demand" Service. If you are not familiar with "Print On Demand", each individual order is Printed as needed, and shipped direct to the customer without passing through my hands. This is great if you do not want to stock Shirts, or do not want to pay up front for a bulk order, but a nightmare for controlling quality and shipping time.



This lead to delayed order processing, fulfillment, and subpar quality. We are beholden to a company and fulfillment center with far larger responsibilities than the 10 shirts we may sell per month.


I have chosen to pony up and partner with a cutting edge Design & Printing firm out of Canada named Design Shop React.



You may be familiar with their work, especially if you are a netizen within the S-Chassis corner of Instagram. Since we have started working together, things have been nothing but simple and to the point, that's how we like it!



Shirts will be in stock toward the end of April, keep an eye out on instagram, or our weekly newsletter (for all you legends who subscribed to our email updates).

If you have any printing or design needs, please make sure to hit up Mike at Design Shop React.


Wish y'all the best, stay safe out there!

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